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Dr. Durussia Jenkins

Evangelist Jenkins, who has a doctorate in christian theology, has been in full time ministry for over forty-plus years. She has dedicated her life to serving her community through many facets such as supplying food for the poor and clothing the naked. 


Her ministry began in Omaha Nebraska, right after she gave her life to the Lord at a church called Calvary Assembly of God. The pastor that led her to the Lord was Pastor Norman Borders. He heard from one of his parishioners that she was in the hospital, went to see her, and prayed for her. 


She knew that her life had been completely changed at that moment as he touched her with one hand. When she opened her eyes to thank him, he lifted up his hand and she saw that he didn't have fingers because they had been severed off in an accident. This encounter really touched her. She said that if that man could have faith that God could heal in spite of his disability, then she could have faith that God can do anything. 


Later on she found out that the anointing of God was in that hand. From that day until present she has never forgotten that moment. Somehow she knew that moment was a turning point in her relationship with God.


A couple of years later Evangelist Jenkins moved to Illinois and joined another ministry where she stayed for  a few years. But the entire time she felt as though God was calling her out to go and begin her own ministry. She tried to stay steadfast to her local church but the burning inside of her just couldn't be quenched. She knew it was time to begin holding tent meetings, so she began praying and fasting for her destiny. Ten years later her dreams were fulfilled. 


One day while sitting on her sofa staring out the window, the phone rang and it was a brother in the Lord that said he and his wife had been praying and the Lord told them to buy her a tent. From that moment on her ministry has not stopped. She has held tent and evangelistic meetings throughout America, seeing many souls surrender their lives to God. Evangelist Jenkins truly has a heart for lost souls. She believes in serving this young generation and proclaiming Christ to every fallen man.  

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